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Be yourself and shine!



I am Virginie Ponchant. I practice holistic, quantum and alchemical therapy. Extrasensory from birth, I am extremely sensitive to the ambient vibratory emanation of beings and places. I feel everything with precision. Your energetic vibration, your pains, your emotional sufferings… I feel them, see them, hear them.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Like a gardener of light, I come to help you cleanse and fertilize your body, your Earth to bring out your true nature by giving it back its primordial essence. I will purify, regenerate and harmonize your internal ecosystem (your body) and your external ecosystem (your garden) in order to make your Eden bloom.

Without artifices, conditioning, transgenerational and karmic memories, pollution of all kinds ... you will discover that being yourself allows you to shine in all your splendor to live a joyful life, in harmony and rich in the most wonderful experiences.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The more you radiate who you are, the more you attract to you what suits you. Your life will be in your image. Your world will be authentic and the illusion will disappear.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Your authenticity is the key to your success and your abundance.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Be you and Shine!

My accompaniments and
holistic, quantum and alchemical treatments

Land of Eden

Support and care so that your earth (your body) and the Earth find all its resplendent light in order to make your whole being, your interior ecosystem and that of our wonderful planet fertile.

Terre d'Eden

Accompagnements et soins pour que ta terre (ton corps) et la Terre retrouvent toute sa lumière resplendissante  afin de rendre fertile tout ton être, ton écosystème intérieur et celui de notre merveilleuse planète.

Water of Eden

Care so that the water of your body and the waters of the planet find the light and original purity necessary for your well-being, and for the life of all ecosystems.

Flowers of Eden

Once your soil is fertile and your water has been purified, your whole being is ready to bloom and shine!

Support and care to germinate and flourish your being, your projects, your relationships ...

Cosmic Motherhood

Support and care of the Divine matrix of creation of your couple wishing to welcome the child of the stars who has chosen life in your Eden.

The Garden of Eden V 2.0


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