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Fleur en plein soleil

Flowers of Eden


Flowering of Being

Once your soil is fertile and your water has been purified, your whole being is ready to bloom and shine!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Without artifices, conditioning, transgenerational and karmic memories, pollution of all kinds ... you are you in your power of creation.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

E itself be possible to radiate its best to live a happy life in harmony and full of the most wonderful experiences.

More you shine who you are and you attract to you what is you. Your life will be in your image. Your world will be authentic and in line with your aspirations.

Your authenticity is the key to your success and your abundance.

I offer you support / care to germinate and flourish your being, your relationships, your projects ...


Rainbow Flowering

In order to find all your colors, I offer you a quantum and alchemical treatment of chromotherapy / sound therapy.

It allows to purify, regenerate, harmonize and align your chakras, your physical bodies and subtle bodies. A harmonization of your DNA will be made at the end of the treatment. The unity within you so that you can radiate your Rainbow Being.

For: all and all ages. There is no contraindication.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Care: by skype

Duration: 1 hour

Price: 100 €

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Blooming relationships

To live peacefully in your Eden with joyful relationships, I offer you a treatment to alchimize the links you have forged.

We will start by severing all harmful ties and those that no longer serve you.

Then, a purification of the remaining links will be done.

Finally, the link with the being who shares your Eden will be sublimated by the energy of pure Love.

For: this treatment is intended for adults, couples but also adolescents experiencing relational disturbances with family and friends.

Care: by skype

Duration: 1 hour

Rate :

- Solo 100 €

- In duo (special couple)   150 €

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Genie Bloom

I offer you support so that you can make everything flourish on your path: your creations, your projects, your performances ... in order to receive your abundance and prosperity thanks to your power of Genius.

For: all

Support: by skype

Duration: 1h30

Price: 150 €

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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