Qui suis-je ?
From a mother with infertility problems and a father wanting a multitude of children, I came into this world as a surprise gift!
Later, I realize that I was a baby medicine to make the divine matrix of creation of my dear mother bloom. My parents' wish was granted: 4 children were born!
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My parents quickly asked themselves a multitude of questions about me. And for good reason :
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From my first steps, I got up at night in a sleepwalking state to clean, tidy up and move furniture and objects (even very heavy ones). I was already starting to do energy cleansing.
My nights were very disturbed by nightmares, dreams, visits to entities and souls. Over the years, I have learned to manage my nighttime activities while sleeping on subtle planes.
When I was asked the question: What will you do when you grow up ? I replied: When I grow up, I will be a Guardian Angel! At the time, I didn't understand why people were laughing at my answer. I was serious! It was really what I wanted to do!
As soon as I heard: A table! I was running to hide. I refused to eat meat and fish. The respect for the great animal conscience was already very present.
One day my mother signed me up for classical dance with my sister without asking my opinion. In the first class, I refused to put on the leotard. I danced the way I had come: in my favorite jeans. The one where on the back pocket, there was embroidered the tongue sticking out of the Rolling Stones. It was my only classical dance class preferring to dance my way. My rebellious side was already very present.
In the year of first grade, the night before I fell asleep, I was learning to read with a medical encyclopedia. My pleasure was to diagnose the aches and pains of family members and friends of my mother coming to visit her.
Going to school, I was obsessed with it. I always found a good excuse not to go. I have always preferred to learn on my own. The school of life, that of our experiences, is the best there is. Throughout my schooling, it was difficult for me to remember the lessons. I was revising just before the questioning. Once the interrogation was over, my brain would reset it. A few years ago, during a meditation, I heard: unlearn everything you have learned. You have knowledge within you.
Come the catechism years! I felt that there was a gap between the human creation of religions and the Divine creation. The Universe, as it likes to be called, is absolutely not a punitive or angry God. So, one day, I decide to be connected to no religion, no group of thought in order to be totally free. On the other hand, I drew a lot from the life of Jesus. I quickly understood that we could be like him. So, here I am at 8 years old, with this immense desire to be my “Jesus” to achieve a multitude of miracles. It was my childhood dream!
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With the flow of life, after a while, I tried to be like everyone else to go unnoticed. But there, I only attracted a multitude of not very pleasant experiences. They made me realize that I was not on the right path and that denying my true being was the fatal mistake. This part of me always wanting to perform miracles, absorbed all the pain and illnesses around me. And my extrasensory hypersensitivity made me feel and see all the sufferings of this humanity. M on body had become so painful to have too absorbed in 2004 I begged the universe to end my existence here. He answered me by making me feel the vibration of pure Love within me. It was a moment of Divine ecstasy that made me want to stay alive :) I recorded this vibration as a landmark and I undertook an inner journey to reach this same vibration to be continually in this pure and ecstatic state of Love. At one point, a heart-to-heart fusion took place with the Universe until it reached 100% of Him in me. Throughout this journey with the Universe, we have co-created. A multitude of ideas have sprouted ... and now, it's time to share them with you!
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Who am I ?
by experts in energy reading
and in therapeutic scan
Je vois Virginie sur un arbre gigantesque avec de multiples niveaux de branches, immenses et agencés comme des strates énergétiques. Elle est sur l'un de ces plateaux et je la vois brandir un bâton qui rayonne et envoie de la lumière et de la verdure dans toutes les directions.
Je la vois souffler sur des anneaux de métal comme une alchimiste énergétique.
Puis elle avance avec une boule violette au-dessus d'elle. Elle aide la Terre à se diriger vers une ère spirituelle.
Sur un autre plan, je vois Virginie s'assoir face à une pouponnière de planètes. Elle joue avec certaines sonorités comme une institutrice cantatrice devant de jeunes planètes avides de t'écouter.....
Extrait - Connexion à l'énergie principale de l'Âme le 12/11/2019
Sandrine BON - Scan des potentiels et portrait d'Âme
Mon Portrait d'Âme réalisé par Sandrine Bon
© Visuel Portrait d'Âme - Tous droits réservés à Sandrine Bon et Virginie Ponchant
My name is Corinne Lambert. I am an intuitive coach of potentials.
By connecting to the energy of Virginie PONCHANT, I ask "who is she ?" "
A large black expanse symbolizing the earth's crust appears. Then, an orange shape enters the field of this vision. I hear that it is the fire which fertilizes the Earth.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
I then see a sphere like a bright white meteorite, with very long green and blue filaments. I hear that it is a representation of the Universe and that the filaments are the links with the Great Whole.
The blues come from the Divine Will in action: energy of power, revitalization and regeneration.
The green filaments, on the other hand, come from the energy of the Source: energy of purification, healing, prosperity, abundance, fertility.
Then, I see Virginia in the center of a translucent geometric shape, which reminds me of Metatron's cube, representing several sacred geometric figures and containing the 5 elements present in the Universe: Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Ether.
Virginie is linked to all plans and all dimensions. She is the alchemist of all these elements. With her wand, she has fun lighting up dark areas, dazzling the Great Everything. Her candor and her deep joy go with her ... Virginie is there to purify, regenerate and restore the planet to accelerate its rise and restore its galactic radiance.
Corinne LAMBERT / Intuitive coach of potentials
Who is Virginie Ponchant ?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Virginie came to bring all her purity to the service of the Earth. She can do it in a thousand and one ways, just with a prayer or a thought. It is like a road lights up and do the clearing roads. She is pure Love. She is blessed and protected, very protected. Like the crystal, its terrestrial fragilities do not prevent its immense strength in the actions of the subtle world. Anyone who crosses his path will be touched to the heart by pure Love, but everyone will be free to welcome it or not. Virginie is very surrounded, her guardians will not let anyone prevent her from carrying out what drives her here below. 🙏❤️
Cathy Monchéri / Master practitioner in NLP and
specialist in supporting high potentials
Guides et Anges de haute vibration d'Amour et de Lumière de Virginie Ponchant, son Âme, sa part qui sait, son grand Soi,
bonjour et merci de votre présence à mes côtés : Qui est Virginie Ponchant ?
Chère Âme d'Amour et de Lumière, nous allons y répondre bien volontiers.
Virginie est douce et aimante. Elle est la joie, elle est la vie. Elle est tout et son contraire. Mais essentiellement tout.
Elle vit la vie avec passion et aisance, joie et félicité. C'est une Elfe descendue sur Terre pour une contribution ultime et magistrale, un dernier effort. Elle est venue transmettre et partager, vivre et découvrir une dernière fois la joie de la matière, avant de rejoindre l'éther et le cristallin.
Pour cette incarnation, elle a choisi de contribuer d'une sublime façon. De joindre l'utile à l'agréable et de transmettre ses dons féeriques. L'Elfe en elle a de multiples talents et c'est à travers eux que son expression est la plus fine et la plus douce. Sa démarche se fait sur de multiples niveaux, au-delà de la matière et du temps.
Il en va ainsi de sa contribution, mais aussi de sa vie tout entière.
Elle est un, elle est la source et l'unité, la vie et l'avant vie, les fluides et les réseaux de vie.
Virginie est un. Elle est amour. Elle a foi en la vie, en la nature, en l'amour.
Guidance canalisée le 02/11/2021
Par Joséphine Avron en écriture inspirée