Welcome in
The Garden of Eden V 2.0
Are you ready to download Garden of Eden Version 2.0 ?
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The time has come to install this new version.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Our planet, made up of its matrix, its magnetic field and its atmosphere, evolves in an infinite Universe where there are a multitude of planets, galaxies, solar systems and many interrelated forms of life that form 1 Great Whole. Our Mother Earth is a place of convergence where its vibration is heard at the other end of the cosmos by the emission of its waves.
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Our Mother Earth, by regaining its galactic radiance, will impact the Great Whole and diffuse its light everywhere ... For all its inhabitants, it is the return to life in the wonderful Garden of Eden.
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The Universe has infused in me all the codes of light to restore our wonderful planet to its primordial nature with wonderful bonuses for its vibratory elevation and that of all its inhabitants.
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I do not know how long it will take to restore everything because we have reached the critical threshold. If we do nothing, during night visions I have seen a tragic end to our humanity. All together, we can still act.
I founded the association The Garden of Eden V 2.0 in alliance with the Universe, our Mother Earth, all the kingdoms of Nature, the Spirits of the Elements, and a multitude of Beings of different dimensions ... You too can join this alliance by participating with me in making our wonderful planet shine!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
And as I like to say from a young age:
One for all! All for one ! :)
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The Garden of Eden V 2.0 is a non- profit association . All your donations, contributions, sponsors, shares ... make it possible to finance:
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Travel to provide energy care to our planet, plant trees of light in public places, large forests, purify water (oceans, seas, rivers, etc.) ...
Collective care
Shipping equipment
The computer and digital equipment to share your content on social networks.
The functioning of the association and its premises.
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And it is important to me to come to meet you by organizing seminars as soon as the sanitary conditions allow it.
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If you want to contribute
to the radiance of our Mother Earth and yours,
and live in abundance in the Garden of Eden V 2.0,
thank you for your donations and contributions!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Etre membre adhérent à l’association Le Jardin d’Eden V 2.0, c’est adhérer à la mise en place du Jardin d’Eden seconde version :)
C’est aussi dire : Oui au retour à l’harmonie et l’équilibre des écosystèmes, de la biodiversité et de l’environnement de notre planète qui a subi nos négligences.
C’est l’Univers qui a fixé le prix de la cotisation annuelle 😁
Pourquoi 24€ ?
La réponse est la suivante : 2+4=6
L’anatomie et la symbolique du chiffre 6 diffusent l’énergie parfaite pour créer l’équilibre, l’harmonie, la perfection, la beauté et l’amour (les qualités du Jardin d’Eden ☀️🌳🌻🐝✨
Le 6, c’est l’union harmonieuse du macrocosme et du microcosme et l’alliance de l’homme avec l’Univers 💞
Et dans le livre de la Genèse, il est dit que le monde a été créé en 6 jours. Le sixième jour est celui de la création de Adam et Ève dans le Jardin d’Eden 🥰
Alors, tout fait sens !
Avantages de l’adhésion :
Réductions tarifaires sur les soins Eden et les soins collectifs
Des cadeaux pour les membres très actifs
Et bien d’autres surprises….
Le jardin d'Eden V 2.0 est une association à but non lucratif.
Tous vos dons permettent de financer :
Les déplacements pour faire des soins énergétiques à notre planète, planter des arbres de lumière dans les lieux publics, les forêts et bois, purifier les eaux (océans, mers, fleuves, etc...)...
Les soins collectifs
Le matériel d'expédition
Le matériel informatique et numérique
Le fonctionnement de l'association...
L'association Le Jardin d'Eden V 2.0 recherche des mécènes, partenaires, sponsors, bénévoles...
Si vous souhaitez faire partie de l'aventure en m'aidant à avancer sur le chemin de purification et restauration de la planète,
vous pouvez m'envoyer un mail.
Vous contribuez ainsi à ce voyage de purification et d’harmonisation de notre planète qui a subi nos négligences.
Tous vos soutiens, mobilisations, aides, idées, investissements sont les bienvenus !
How to donate :
Only by bank transfer to the association Le jardin d'Eden V 2.0
IBAN: FR76 1820 6000 1065 0787 2234 105
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
And why only by bank transfer ?
When I finished the website, I just had to define the payment methods. And there, everything blocks. Unable to create the Paypal account and others ...
So I internalize myself to see what's going on.
And there, I have the vision of myself all joyful sending to each donor and contributor an energy return of abundance. I immediately understand that my being has already set up a gift of gratitude for you :)
I have the vision that this must be done from you to the association without an intermediary ... otherwise it is the intermediary who will receive the gold glitter of creation of abundance in your place. And that is not fair!
There you go, for the little anecdote :)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The Garden of Eden on the networks :