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Water of Light in me :

The human body is made up of an amount of water ranging from 78% in a baby to 60% in an elderly person.

The quality of water in the body is essential for general well-being and its maintenance in good health.

During this treatment, I purify the water in your body and restore its circulation. Thus, the life of your inner ecosystem will bathe in light, light and beneficial water. If desired, a blessing of the water of your body will be made.

The fountain of youth flows within you for the health and youth of all your cells!

Water of Light of Eden :

The water we use loses its quality even after being treated by municipal or other facilities. Water treatment plants do not make water as pure as that taken from the source. After treatment, the water discharged into rivers and lakes may still contain traces of pollutants, bacteria, medicinal agents, etc. This affects the quality of fresh water. And the effects of these toxic substances are harmful to everyone's health.

This treatment allows you to purify the water in your environment in order to recreate the harmony of your external ecosystem.

For : your well, fountain, natural pool, pond, lake, spring etc ...

This pack allows you to save 10 €

Water of Eden

€310.00 Regular Price
€279.00Sale Price

    Soins fait à distance sur photo. Je vous remercie de m'envoyer par mail les photos de la source d'eau et de la vue satellite GoogleEarth ainsi que votre adresse. 

    A la suite, vous recevrez, par mail, un bilan énergétique sur l'évolution du taux vibratoire et dimension de la parcelle. L'arbre de lumière permet de faire un saut quantique vers la 5ème Dimension !

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